Sonia Sotomayor In Spanish
The story of Sonia Sotomayor in Spanish is the “American Dream.”– A young Hispanic girl from the Bronx, accomplishes her dreams of being not only a judge, but one of the justices of the Supreme Court; the highest court in the United States. Actually, the first Hispanic woman to be honored in being nominated and accepted by Congress for this highly distinctive position in our Legal System.
I have included her life as a child, a young college student and also as a judge and as a Justice of the Supreme Court.
She has really fought for the minority classes in the United States. She was in favor of Gay marriage and oppose to search liberties that could endangered the fourth Amendment of the USA Constitution. She has shown those feelings in her dissenting writings on these subjects.
I have also included a segment that discusses the Supreme Court and how does it work. Which are the cases these justice see and how do they select the cases they hear.
Also included are the nine justices and their background for your students to learn who they are, where they come from, who nominated them and task cards that show their pictures and background information.
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